11 tips to keep you lean year round

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??? ???? ?? ?????. Get your veggies in! Sustaining a lean physique means 80-90% of your foods should come from whole food sources, while 10-20% should come from “fun” foods that “fit your macros”

???? ?????????, ??? ???? ????????. When you completely cut out (ex: sugar), this creates a thought of scarcity making our brain want more of them. Just learn to practice healthy restraint so you don’t eat like an asshole. But indulge when you want to.

????? ???? ??? ???. Train hard and make it fun. Make it something you look foward to every day so that it’s consistent.

?????????? ?????? ?????? ????????. Supporting your intense training is crucial to focus! Protein/carbs before & after a workout is essential.

????? ???? ??? ???. This doesn’t mean track your macros forever, but there needs to be some sort of system that keeps you accountable & honest with yourself

????? ???????? ???? ????????. I’m all for an occasional pina colada, but you won’t catch me drinking OJ without champagne. Fruit juices, full-calorie cokes & energy drinks are really a waste. And before you know it, you’ve drank 500 calories; no wonder why you can’t lose fat?!

????? ?20, ??? ?????????? ??????. 80-100 oz is best practice depending on your lbs.

?? ???? ?? ????????. It’s really no coincidence that the people who are the hardest on themselves, talk down to themselves, and are constantly unhappy have a hard time losing fat.

?? ?? ???? ?????. This is a very simple thing you can do. 10k steps/day is actually very valid. It can increase NEAT, improve health, insulin sensitivity, and mental clarity. Every day; if not several times a day

???? ??????. Deficits lead to fat loss, yes, but staying in deficits too long can alter your body’s metabolism and COMPLETELY TRASH the ability to burn calories and drop body fat. Learning how to PERIODIZE DIETS is the key to getting & keeping a lean phsyique.

??????. It doesn’t have to be a lot. It can range from a Pelaton to a coach, to a PF membership, to a book. Get some financial skin in the game to help keep you accountable.