5 tips for better sleep

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Skimping on sleep to get your workout in. Sleeping in on the weekends to recover from the week. Chugging coffee. On your phone till 11pm…

Wonder why you’re tired all the time?

Go to sleep and STAY asleep with these 5 tips on sleep hygiene:

1. Get as much natural light as you possibly can during the day, as early in the day as possible. This helps tell our brain that we are awake.

2. Cut light and electronics off by 8pm. When the sun sets, our body’s natural melatonin production kicks in, prepping us for sleep. As soon as we expose ourselves to blue light, which has the same wavelengths as the sun- we become all jacked up again and will have a hard time staying asleep.

3. Melatonin gummies are all hype. Fruit juice, actually. Take a warm bath to help get you ready for sleep

4. Alcohol and caffeine late in the day can severely dysregulate your circadian clock. Especially if alcohol is consumed 1 hour before bedtime

5. Get on a CONSISTENT sleep schedule above all else. Sleeping in does NOT work, and mimicks you traveling to another time zone.