How much protein do you actually need?

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Protein intake depends on several factors: goals, activity level, and lean muscle mass.

To keep things simple, we really only want to recognize three distinct ranges in where protein recommendations would differ.

For most of the active population who resistance trains, it’s recommended that 1.4-2.0 g/kg a day are consumed. (hint: find your body weight in kilograms by diving 2.22).

The values stated above are crucial for attenuating muscle protein synthesis (building and recovering muscle tissue damaged by training).

Within these recommendations, different variables will determine your recommended intake such as training volume, frequency, type, amount of lean body mass, and training age.

For those who are in a calorie deficit to lose fat/drop weight, protein intake must be greater than 2.0 g/kg of body weight to maintain lean muscle mass. Eating fewer carbs/fats overall can help decrease calories while still staying satiated from the extra protein intake as well. Another fun fact: consuming protein actually burns MORE calories than carbs/fats.

Those who are purely sedentary, or maybe do light activity, but do not weight train, can get by with ~.8g/kg of bw. This was once said to be the standard intake of protein, but the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition has deemed it way too low for those athletes resistance training, or training for sport.

So there ya go! It really is simple once you find credible information. (Sources in comments)

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