What’s the best supplement for fat loss?

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“Hey Kayla, what’s the best supplement for fat loss?”

Other than a calorie deficit, nutritional periodization, proper cardio training, and a lot of patience, there really aren’t THAT many fat loss supplements that have been shown effective per the literature.

Green Tea: Catechins found in green tea have been shown to exert positive effects on energy expenditure, and fat oxidation. The catechins EGCG, when paired with caffeine, had positive effects in fat loss.

Best practice tip: Drink green tea in the monrning before breakfast, or mid-day between breakfast and lunch.

Caffeine on its own isn’t effective long term but can have some appetite-suppressing effects, which could keep cravings at bay- keeping you in your calorie deficit.

There’s no evidence on CLA. Or Garcinia Combogia. Most “diet pills” contain proprietary blends, making it a risky game due to little information about the amount of a particular ingredient you’re getting. And make you feel like you want to die.

My advice? Avoid trends..

Sleep 7-9 hours. Stay in a CONSISTENT calorie deficit for 4-6 weeks (yes, that long), train hard, do some cardio and drink green tea.

If the needle isn’t moving in pictures or on the scale: then re-evaluate, make sure you’re being honest with yourself, or higher a professional to help you.

References: Nutritional Supplements in Sports and Exercise, Second Edition, Mike Greenwood, et. al.