Is your significant other the best accountability partner?

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Is your significant other the best accountability partner?

Hopefully, at life, they are.

As co-owner of Evolve and CVO (Chief Visionary Officer), a title ADAM came up with, he has pushed me intellectually & professionally to grow.

But what about health & performance?

I would say no. Many people I talk to, come to find out, feel the same way about their partners.

This is not a bad thing. When it comes to reaching a certain goal, they may not be the absolute best to hold you accountable.

This doesn’t mean they don’t support you or don’t love you. That’s silly, of course they do!

However, countless phone conversations with women AND men say that their spouse is NOT the best accountability partner, and here’s why:

They think you’re awesome no matter what. Well DUH.

They sometimes want a little more attention. If you skip the gym and decide to snug on the couch to watch a movie- they secretly are thrilled.

They try and give you advice that’s worked for them, not what YOU need. Oh, honey, you’re trying so hard, but no.

They want a drinking buddy. Two is way better than one.

They want to see you happy by enjoying a piece of cake or a slice of pizza. (especially if food is their own love language).

That argument of “you’re not squatting correctly or doing enough weight”, might be a trickle effect of the other argument you had earlier that day.

Adam has seen me go through several physique shows and competitions. He’s seen the ups and the downs. Literally.

While he has been an unbelievably amazing support system, he’s not the greatest accountability partner- and that’s OK.

We can’t expect our spouse to be all things to us, plus a coach.

We take things way too personal. It becomes more than health & fitness.

We need our own space, our own goals, and a third party to hold us accountable toward whatever physical goal we have.

And there is NOTHING wrong with that.

I write this as we are soon approaching our 3rd anniversary. Thought it was an appropriate time to sneak in a very thankful post to my husband who is an amazing business accountability partner, but quick to bring me home a piece of carrot cake on a random night 🙂