Thanksgiving Tips and Tricks

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Here we are again, another holiday is upon us. One that is filled with family, friends, and good food, a time to give thanks for all the positives things in our lives. As we are all faced with different forms of hardship during 2020, it is important to take this time to appreciate all the good that is still happening around us.

With that being said, I want all of you to enjoy thanksgiving in a way that will keep you on track with your health goals as well as have fun with the company you are spending the day with.

Here are 5 tips/tricks to help all of you!


Stay Hydrated

It is very important to drink your water and not let this take a back seat. The food and yummy drinks you may be consuming will most likely be filled with sugars and salts and by staying hydrated you are more likely to bounce back even quicker.


Do not hangout by the appetizer table

Create a small plate of your favorite appetizers and sit down and enjoy them. If you stand by food to talk with your company you are more likely to pick at the foods over an extended amount of time, before even eating the main course.


Fill your plate with protein

One of the most important macronutrients we like our clients to focus on is protein. More than likely the sides at your meal will not contain too much of this macronutrient so be sure to have a nice portion of this on your plate.


One plate & one dessert

Besides turkey; take small portions of all your favorite side dishes. Create a well rounded plate and try/eat your favorites. Enjoy the food at your meals, take your time and once you finish your plate be satisfied. Also, choose your favorite desert and enjoy it, guilt free. The minute you start to feel guilty, or feel the entire day is a “free for all”, you have done yourself a disservice. Be present and in the moment, and remember how good you feel when you eat to fuel, and not overeat. It is not fun to feel so full on the holidays that you cannot enjoy the company of others.


Get right back on track

First, make sure to get in a good training session on thanksgiving, it will make you feel even more motivated to not go overboard. Also, the next day get right back to the grind. Be happy with your choices, do not add in more cardio, and resume your normal routine. Surprise; one day of intuitive eating and being in the moment will not set you back the beginning.


I hope you implement these tips and find them helpful to enjoy the day; GUILT FREE! I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and STAY SAFE!