Why you are always hungry

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Are you always hungry?

First, ask yourself these questions:

-Daily hydration: How much are you intaking?

-Do you eat fiber rich+ satiating whole foods (hint: ever realize you can eat 3 Lenny & Larry’s cookies but find it a struggle to choke down 5 oz of chicken, and 2 cups of broccoli?

-Are you eating enough protein?

-Are you actually eating enough calories daily?

-Are you constantly dieting?

-Are you leaner than what your body likes to be?

If all of these answers check out, and you’re STILL hungry, then WHAT GIVES?

People have a wide, diverse, genetic makeup where some people just get hungrier than others. I’ve got some clients I can feed 3000 calories and its not enough to satiate them, and some where we’ve reached a cut and feel no hunger cues at all.

This can be from differences in regulating your own Leptin (a very important hormone that gets secreted when fat cells shrink from dieting) and Ghrelin ( your “hunger” hormone). Certain body types and higher percentages in starting/settling body fat also can increase feelings of hunger.

BUT ONE BIG FACTOR THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED (and I’ve gone through this myself) is how we view food; and our relationship with it.

Do you ever worry you’re going to have FOMO if you don’t eat certain foods? If we look at food from a scarcity perspective, this can make us more food-focused, and trick our minds into thinking we “MUST EAT NOW.”

Regardless of your body type or composition, these unhealthy behaviors from food whether coming from past dieting or psychosocial… there still tends to be less satiety overall.

If you’re doing all the above-mentioned things to control your hunger, I highly suggest you look at your relationship with food. It’s not something to ignore. But you do need time, & a little guidance.


The way my coaches and mentors have helped me as I struggled through my own battles changed my life. And I work hard every day to help my own clients, learn, and get information out: so maybe one person reads this and resonates with it. Let me help you. Click the link in the bio and take back control.