Why isn’t the scale going down?

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I stepped on the scale and asked: “What is wrong with me?”

Is it my metabolism?

Is it my thyroid?

Am I pregnant?

Are certain foods making me hold water?

Are these scale batteries dead?

(Moves scale to the other side of the bathroom- “maybe the ground isn’t level?”)

I ate a calorie deficit for 3 weeks and the scale didn’t move a pound.

I usually respond very well to calorie deficits. The scale does move for me, and I can usually get a decent amount of results in just 4 weeks.

So why in the heck was this time different?

If the above statements are things you say to yourself all the time when weight loss isn’t going the way you’d hoped, there is a BIG factor you must consider…

Are you really eating in a calorie deficit?

Are you really eating only what you’re tracking?

Many women jump quickly to thinking “maybe it’s my thyroid”.

I’m not saying that it couldn’t be, but more often then not, levels are just fine. Actually, thyroid problems with dieting aren’t as common as you might think.

While I am a proponent of getting blood work done and knowing exactly what is going on in your body…we have failed to see the big picture and ask the real question:

Are you being honest with yourself?

If I am being honest, I can tell you that 1-2 days a week during my “cut” I was eating way over maintenance. Not tracking a single thing. Drinking a little, even.

I was not in a deficit.

This is the harsh reality with many people.

Then we push further: do a fad diet, check out some sort of cleansing situation, beat ourselves up…when all we need is just a lil honesty!

So how do you know if you’re in a calorie deficit?

Sure, you can get use a free calculator, get a free answer, and then a free result.

Or, you can seek out some guidance from a professional, and save yourself a lot of yelling at your scale.

Need some help figuring out where you need to be?

Hop on a free macro consult call with me and we will do the math together and I’ll give you some actionable things you can start RIGHT NOW.

P.s: the scale isn’t EVERYTHING, but that’s a later post.